Unlock Your Best Self Every Day with New Insights from Neuroscience

At the Human Mind Institute you can develop awareness of the mechanisms that regulate your mood, motivation, and thinking capacities, and learn how to control them.

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Why Do Food, Lifestyle Changes, and Practices to Boost Your ‘Happy Hormones’ Fail to Reliably Control Your Mood?

Waarom Veranderingen in Je Levensstijl en Technieken om Je ‘Gelukshormonen te boosten’ Vaak Falen om Je Stemming te Verbeteren?

De wereld zit vol met experts die advies geven over hoe je je ‘gelukshormonen’ kunt stimuleren om je stemming en motivatie te verbeteren. Hoewel veel van hun methoden indrukwekkende positieve effecten kunnen hebben, slagen ze er vaak niet in om mensen zich consequent energiek en gemotiveerd te laten voelen, alsof die gelukshormonen soms hun taak vergeten.

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Decision Making

Learn to Make Better Decisions by Understanding How Your Brain’s Decision-Making Mechanism Work

You may believe that your decision-making is primarily guided by your conscious, logical brain. Although your conscious thinking indeed plays a crucial role in your decision-making processes, it is always your subconscious, emotional brain that makes all your final choices. By better understanding the origins of the underlying mechanisms, you can learn to make decisions that are faster, better, and more conscious.

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do what you hate joyfully

How Neuroscience Can Help to Do Things That You Dislike Joyfully Without Aversion

We all have numerous activities in our lives that we dislike but cannot avoid. However, it is just a missing link in our neurologic programming that prevents us from being able to make ourselves feel positive and motivated while doing them. Fortunately, neuroscientsts have invented a method to create that link, so that you will never have to suffer anymore when you need to do things that you would rather avoid.

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The Drawbacks of Your Intelligence, and How to Fix Them

The Drawbacks of Your Intelligence, and How to Fix Them

If you examine the evolutionary origins of your mechanisms of stress and happynes, you can discover how more and more inner conflicts have been developed as human intelligence evolved. If you understand better why and how these conflicts have emerged, you can learn to resolve them in yourself.

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