Unlock Your Best Self Every Day with New Insights from Neuroscience
At the Human Mind Institute you can develop awareness of the mechanisms that regulate your mood, motivation, and thinking capacities and learn how to control them
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Why Do Lifestyle Changes and Practices to Boost Your ‘Happy Hormones’ Fail to Reliably Control Your Mood?
The world is full of experts offering advice on how to boost neurochemicals that improve mood and motivation. While many of their methods can have impressive positive effects, they often fail to make people feel consistently energetic and motivated, as if those ‘happy hormones’ sometimes forget their job.

How Your Brain’s Chemistry Shapes Your Mood and How You Can Learn to Consciously Control It
Your brain is an extraordinary electrochemical computer. The more you learn about how its chemistry affects you when you’re the best of yourself, and how it changes when you’re not, the better you’ll understand what exactly is needed to bring yourself into a state of mind that best serves you in any situation.

Learn to Make Better Decisions by Understanding How Your Brain’s Decision-Making Mechanism Work
You may believe that your decision-making is primarily guided by your conscious, logical brain. Although your conscious thinking indeed plays a crucial role in your decision-making processes, it is always your subconscious, emotional brain that makes all your final choices. By better understanding the origins of the underlying mechanisms, you can learn to make decisions that are faster, better, and more conscious.

Why Most People’s Free Will is an Illusion and How You Can Develop Yours to Be Real
Do you think you have the free will to decide what you like or dislike in your life? Most of it is just an illusion created by the interaction between your subconscious and conscious mind. However, you can make your free will a lot more real by gaining more insights into how it arises.

How to Stop Stress in 5 Simple Steps with Neuro-Reflective Thinking and Bring Yourself to a Better State of Mind
Neuro-Reflective Thinking is a highly effective method for gaining control over your stress mechanisms and achieving the state of mind that best supports you in any situation.

How Neuroscience Can Help to Do Things That You Dislike Joyfully Without Aversion
We all have numerous activities in our lives that we dislike but cannot avoid. However, it is just a missing link in our neurologic programming that prevents us from being able to make ourselves feel positive and motivated while doing them. Fortunately, neuroscientsts have invented a method to create that link, so that you will never have to suffer anymore when you need to do things that you would rather avoid.

The Drawbacks of Your Intelligence, and How to Fix Them
If you examine the evolutionary origins of your mechanisms of stress and happynes, you can discover how more and more inner conflicts have been developed as human intelligence evolved. If you understand better why and how these conflicts have emerged, you can learn to resolve them in yourself.

Beat the Low Mood on Gloomy Winter Days by Turning Your Neurologic Switches from Low to High Energy Mode
You may believe that bad weather and the lack of sunlight are the reasons why people tend to feel low on energy, melancholic, or even depressed during the winter period. In fact, you only experience low mood and low energy on dark, cold, gloomy days, because your brain wants you to feel that way in such conditions.

Learn From Turtles How to Enter an Exceptionally Deep Level of Relaxation at Any Time
Turtles can bring themselves into a deeply relaxed state when diving underwater to use as little oxygen as possible. It allows them to stay there for a very long time without breathing. You can learn to induce the same neurological mechanism in yourself through a simple exercise, which can also bring you to an exceptionally deep and joyful state of relaxation whenever you desire.

Release Your Stress by Using Your Body’s Priority to Create Tension or Relaxation in Your Nervous System
Your body has priority over your mind in expressing feelings of stress or relaxation. This is because your nervous system’s communication to your brain about whether everything is functioning properly inside your body is more important for your survival than responding with feelings to your thoughts.

The Simple Mechanism That Generates Your Motivation, and 9 Ways to Consciously Control It
You can read a stack of books on motivation, but at the end of the day you will see that it all comes down to only two simple factors.

Scientists From Finland Show That All Your Stress and Happiness Are Generated by Your Body, Not by Your Brain
If you understand better how your body participates in the creation and regulation of your emotions you can learn to gain much more control over all your positive or negative feelings.

The 3 Fundamental Requirements of Falling Asleep Easily and Having Quality Nighttime
If you sometimes struggle to fall asleep or wake up feeling tired, you might not be meeting all of the fundamental requirements for a good night’s sleep. By developing more awareness about them, you can immediately raise your sleep quality to a much higher level.

The Strange Nature of Your Neurologic Response to Success, and Its Negative Consequences
Our success-related neurologic response mechanisms have some problematic aspects. When you achieve something important, dopamine is released in certain reward pathways in your brain. However, for the same achievement repeated again and again, that reward usually decreases.